Saturday, August 18, 2007

NeoOffice: A Free, Open Source Office Suite for Mac which rivals M$ Office

Connect your students with real experts on your subject matter!

AllExperts Questions & Answers

This is an amazing site where you can get in touch with real experts on any number of topics. It's a great research tool which capitalizes on the power of the internet to bring different people together. It can also provide meaningful adult relationships for students so they can get socialized into interfacing in a professional manner.

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Google Notebook: Quickly Clip interesting Passages to Save and Share

Google Notebook: Clip and collect the web with Google Notebook - Lifehacker
Clip and collect the web with Google Notebook
I really like GNotebook. I'm a high school teacher and I use it to
document the research I do when I'm preparing for a lesson. I'll
usually surf around, filling in my understanding of the topic to be
covered. I can't present it all, but I CAN direct my students to look
at my clips. In a sense, it's like simplified blogging.

I think I'm going to have students document research they do in my
class by maintaining a GNotebook, collecting exemplars of art genres
and commenting. The beauty of it is that it's all automatically
formatted into a blog format and RSS enabled. That's so handy!

I also have GNotebooks for each of the classes I'm taking in my
Master's program so I can keep all my sources in the same place.

You'll be surprised at how easy it is to save bits of websites you'll want to hang onto or share with others!

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